CAPS Check Statistics

This page is regularly updated to provide employers with the current cost and processing time for CAPS Checks. Statistics displayed reflect the number of CAPS Checks and perpetrator matches processed during the current Fiscal Year: July 2024 - June 2025


Current Fee per CAPS CheckCurrent processing Time as of 3/5/2025Completed CAPS Checks in Fiscal Year 2024-25 Through FEB 2025Potential Employee-Perpetrator Matches Identified in Fiscal Year 2024-25 Through FEB 2025Potential Employee-Perpetrator Matches Identified in Flagged* Check Process Fiscal Year 2024-25 Through FEB 2025


Business Days



The Colorado CAPS Check Unit Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021 is available for review here.

* All CAPS Checks are "flagged" for future substantiations so that employers do not need to request annual CAPS Checks for employees. Each week the CCU cross-checks newly substantiated perpetrators against all previously checked employees and if there is a match, notifies the employer.