Colorado CAPS Check Unit
Welcome to the Colorado CAPS Check Unit (CCU), a program within the Colorado Adult Protective Services System. This website explains the CAPS Check requirements and how to request CAPS Checks.
- Guide to the CAPS Check process
The CCU website provides instructions for each step of the CAPS check registration and request process.
Learn how to register your agency or update your agency's registration.
Learn how to set up your personal requestor account.
Learn about the community homepage.
Download a Written Authorization Form.
Learn how to submit and pay for a CAPS check request.
Learn how to retrieve encrypted email results.
- About the CAPS Check system
Colorado law requires certain agencies to request background checks of the Adult Protective Services (APS) data system (called CAPS) for individuals who may be employed in or appointed to positions providing direct care to at-risk adults. These background checks ("CAPS Checks") inform agencies whether the individual has been substantiated in an APS investigation of mistreatment of an at-risk adult. Mistreatment may include physical abuse, sexual abuse, caretaker neglect, exploitation, and/or other harmful acts. The intent of the law is to minimize the potential for employment or appointment of persons with a history of mistreating at-risk adults in positions with access to at-risk adults. Read more about the law.
- Important things to remember
CAPS Check requests do not replace any other background checks that are currently required for your agency. The information provided pertains only to APS investigations, which are not criminal proceedings. CAPS Checks do not provide criminal background information.
Your agency must be registered with the CAPS Check Unit prior to requesting CAPS Checks. Potential employees or appointees must complete and sign the Written Authorization Form before their CAPS Check request is submitted.
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The CAPS Check Unit will return results within five business days.
CAPS Checks will not be performed on state-observed holidays.
Please note: Per the Colorado Code of Regulations, 12 CCR 2518-1, Volume 30.960.J, the fee for the CAPS Check may be adjusted with 30 days' notice, provided via this website.
CCU Statute and Rule Change Information
- S.B. 23-040: CAPS Checks and Staffing Agencies
S.B. 23-040 ("Staffing Agency CAPS Checks") was signed into law by Gov. Jared Polis on March 10, 2023. The bill established role clarity for CAPS Checks when employers obtain staffing resources through a 3rd party agency meeting the definition of "staffing agency" as defined in the bill. The bill also authorized previously prohibited information sharing between agencies supplying staff to employers and the employers receiving staff to ensure efficiency and reduction of duplicated efforts. These changes have also been reflected in recently approved rule revisions. Additionally, the Department developed a condensed summary outlining the changes to the rules, which are set to go into effect in January 2024.
Read more about the law.